Thursday 12 March 2009

Rats and flowers and clematis wilt

What's that? I'd changed the camera settings and turned off the thing that stops camera shake, but it's obvious to me it's a rat! we thought we'd got rid of it, but there are rats in the field opposite - no surprise there, so i suppose there's a colony on this side of the road somewhere. I don't find rats (outside the house) as offensive as some, but they keep eating the food we put out for the birds. Occupational hazard, I suppose.

It doesn't seem to be deterring the birds; the Blue Tits are back in numbers. We had out first Greenfinch, but I didn't capture it on camera. Must remember to fill up the feeders at the weekend.

Generally, the house looks good. I like this view from the field opposite with the hill behind.

The Lenten Lily, Helleborus Niger (though it's more commonly called the Christmas Rose) always benefits from having its heads lifted a little.

The crocuses in our pots are looking good - bright and cheerful. Though, for cheerfulness, you can't beat daffs.

These are Hordeum Jubatum that we planted last back end and over-wintered in the cold frame. I've taken them out, potted them on and given them some water and they're galloping away. Hordeum is one of my favourite grasses. i love the way the ends turn a delicate shade of purple. I don't have my own picture yet (later) but this one I borrowed from Chiltern Seeds really shows what I mean.

Tree Peonies, newly planted

We've also got cowslips, and tree peonies - can't wait to see how they get on. the flowers are supposed to be spectacular!

Finally, this is clematis wilt and I don't know what to do about it apart fromgrubbing up the whole plant and burning it. it has such a beautiful delicate flower as well. I'll have to see if I've got a Summer shot of it.

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