Sunday 22 February 2009

Signs of Spring - signs of hope?

While I've been languishing, unable to do serious work, the car washers are out getting ready for the better weather. Personally, I don't believe in car washing - seems to me to be something better paid for. I suppose it's my usual reaction against convention, against suburbanism, against conformity. Anyway, I suppose it's a harbinger of Spring.

The crocuses are another; bright and cheerful in the courtyard beds, taking over the responsibility for colour from the Winter flowering pansies.

And as a sign of hope, we've bought some new hardy Hibiscus (dubbed NEWBiscus by the suppliers because they are Winter hardy). We'll see!

In the allotments, the first bonfire has erupted. A number of villagers were out digging, though they were well wrapped up; it's not a warm as it looks.

Feels good to be back on the blog. Back to work tomorrow. I hope I can cope - the infection seems to be taking a long time to clear up.


  1. "I suppose it's my usual reaction against convention, against suburbanism, against conformity." Hurrah! I'm not the only one!! Rebellion and cake! It's a grown up car, it should be able to wash itself anyway.
