There are also a few more exotic vegetables such as this artichoke. (We once caused what we have always thought of since as 'the middle-class kitchen catastrophe of all time when we jammed solid the waste disposal with artichoke leaves.)
Lots of sunflowers which, having satisfied the bees with nectar, are now providind a food source for the birds.
And, rather surprisingly for July, the Blackberries are already ripening.
There's also lots of this - Bindweed; the bane of our own garden. Funny how some gardens, like our last, are totally free from it, while it springs up everywhere in the present garden.
I've taken to looking very carefully at all the local stained glass in order to learn how it was done. Joints and came thickness are all a bit archaic.
So, I started a new design for the second window I intend to replace. I thought of something a bit more adventurous this time, with slightly more complex shapes and rather more elegant borders. This is the design after I changed my mind about putting some bevels in and had to make a couple of changes to accommodate them.
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