On Monday night, as I was dozing in front of a crime drama on the TV, we were suddenly aroused by bright lights, police sirens and the 'whap whap whap' of incoming helicopters. I stepped out into the garden to be confronted with these bright lights, getting closer and closer.
Not a Close Encounter of the Third Kind, just the police helicopter seeing who I was. We deduced that one of the elderly residents had gone missing from the local rest home. This, on a night when the temperature was about -2 degrees.
All the hedgerows were searched and all the gardens viewed from above, and then, after about an hour, all went quiet. The next morning we got a polite little note from the rest home saying their resident had been found safe and warm, so All's Well that Ends Well.
"The Rain it Raineth Every Day"
Since then, the weather has got much worse; the rain falls incessantly and it's cold, too. That'll teach us to think that Spring is on the way.
Mind you, the hedgerows still look good.
Though the same can't be said for the 'lawn'
And the Lenten Roses need to get a shift on if they're to make it in time.
So ends this slightly Shakespearean themed entry.
Celebrating in Procida
7 years ago
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